The Former Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko and his Plans to curse the People in the Donbas Region

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Sometimes when you talk to people who are fiercely defending the globalist agenda you would like to have easy access to all the relevant information on a certain topic. One of the aims of this Globalist Study Group is to provide a platform where this information can easily be retrieved. You just type a word in the search bar and the related articles appear.

Yesterday I was talking to someone who didn’t believe there has ever been a civil war in Ukraine. Of course there has been a civil war going on in Ukraine ever since the coup in 2014 when the elected president Yanukovich (1) was ousted. The people in the Donbas regions in the East refused to accept the new government in Kiev which started a civil war that eventually resulted in the integration of the Donbas provinces into the Russian Federation.

Below you can hear former president Pyotr Poroshenko share his approach to the people in Eastern Ukraine.

In October 2014 Poroshenko said about the Russian speaking people in the Donbas: “…because we will have jobs, they will not. We will have pensions, they will not. We will have care for our children and our retirees, they will not. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens — their children will sit in basement bomb shelters. They don’t know how to do anything! This is how we will win this war!” (2)

Pyotr Poroshenko was also the sitting president when the then vice-president Joe Biden did his bribing act on him do defend his son, Hunter Biden (3,4).

Here you can get an impression from an Ukrainian soldier on the people in the Donbas (5)

Ukrainian soldiers talks about wanting to destroy the people in the Donbas (5)

(1) Profile: Viktor Yanukovich
(2) From Laura Aboli’s Telegram Channel where she added the following text to the video: “When they blame Putin for starting the war, show them this. The war started in 2014 at the hands of the CIA controlled Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko: Watch Poroshenko in Oct 2014, speaking of the Russian speaking population in Donbass: “Our children will go to schools and kindergartens — their children will sit in basement bomb shelters.” And he was not kidding.” – Also see the Archive with Ukraine related topics
(3) How Biden Bribed Ukrainian President Poroshenko to fire State Prosecutor Victor Shokin
(4) Marco Polo and the Hunter Biden Laptop – Gondolath – Studying the Deep State
(6) Map: Ukrainian troops surrounded in Debaltseve

Image from: (6)

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